Accepted Papers

The CHI ’24 Dark Patterns Workshop received several high-quality submissions. After a blind review, the following 15 position papers were accepted into the workshop. The papers will be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Sanju Ahuja and Jyoti Kumar. Layered Analysis of Persuasive Designs: A Framework for Identification and Autonomy Centric Evaluation of Dark Patterns
Ghada Alsebayel, Giovanni Troiano and Casper Harteveld. “Not Nice!”: Towards Understanding Dark Patterns in Commercial Health Apps
Vittoria Caponecchia. Voice-based virtual assistants design and European legislation: the interpretation of subliminality, manipulation and deception
Rohan Grover. A View From Somewhere: Shifting Expertise in Identifying and Evaluating Dark Patterns
Dominique Kelly and Jacquelyn Burkell. Disclosure by Design: How Dark Patterns Reduce Users’ Social Privacy
Kirill Kronhardt and Jens Gerken. Start Playing Around – Serious & Persuasive Games as a Viable Counter-Measure Against Deceptive Patterns?
Frank Lewis and Julita Vassileva. Lost in the Dark: Revealing the Relationships, Goals, and Harms of Dark Pattterns
Aryan Mamidwar and Ganesh Bhutkar. An Overview of Guidelines on Dark Patterns
Deborah Maria Löschner and Sebastian Pannasch. Measuring the Deceptive Potential of Design Patterns: A Decision-Making Game
Doris Rhomberg and Hauke Sandhaus. Towards Quantifying Ethical User Experience: Evaluating User Perceptions of Dark Patterns in Social Media
Lorena Sánchez Chamorro and Carine Lallemand. Towards a Second Wave of Manipulative Design Research: Methodological Challenges of Studying the Effects of Manipulative Designs on Users
Mathias Schlolaut, Olga Kieselmann and Arno Wacker. Comparing Nudges and Deceptive Patterns at a Technical Level
Katie Seaborn and Weichen Chang. Another Subtle Pattern: Examining Demographic Biases in Dark Patterns and Deceptive Design Research
Eszter Vigh. CounterSludge in Alcohol Purchasing on Online Grocery Shopping Platforms
Robert Wolfe and Alexis Hiniker. Expertise Fog on the GPT Store: Deceptive Design Patterns in User-Facing Generative AI